XIAMETER RBM-9002 Silicone Rubber Additives

Project Description

XIAMETER RBM-9002 Silicone Rubber Additives


XIAMETER RBM-9002 Rubber Additive improves the heat stability of vulcanized silicone rubber.

Heat Stability Improvement

XIAMETER RBM-9002 Rubber Additive improves the heat stability of vulcanized silicone rubber.
It is easily added on a two-roll mill prior to vulcanization. XIAMETER RBM-9002

Rubber Additive is pigmentable.

XIAMETER RBM-9002 Silicone Rubber Additives

Product should be stored at or below 32°C (90°F) in original, unopened containers.

This product is neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses.