Araldite FST 40004 Epoxy Resin

Project Description

Araldite FST 40004 Epoxy Resin


Araldite FST 40004 Reliable Chemistry for Composite Resin Systems

A major challenge in making the transition to composite materials is keeping production cycle times low without sacrificing consistent part quality. Newly developed processes such as High-Pressure Resin Transfer Molding (HP-RTM), Dynamic Fluid-Compression Molding (DFCM) as well as well established processes such as Wet Compression Molding (WCM) allow semi-complex to complex shapes to be produced with extremely short cycle times. Huntsman offers an extensive range of specially formulated resin systems that are proven to meet the processing and performance requirements of composites for the automotive market.


First generation, halogen-free and filler free system, combining fire resistance and very high thermal resistance. It enables the production of large parts such as battery housing.